I am not afriad of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today~William Allen White

Make a wish: 2011

I have been making new year resolutions for as long as I could remember and then they would be forgotten in the blink of an eye, so I assume I have done them, ho ho ho.  I don’t think I am going to make any more new year resolutions, it seems too much like procrastination of the previous year that I HOPE to achieve this upcoming year.  Instead, I am going to package the word “resolution” into “wish” to make it seems like I am not procrastinating, it’s just that my wishes did not come true, hahaha.

Let me see…I wish to continue to random doodle daydreaming because dreams could become reality; I wish to continue having the courage to plunge, close my eyes, and go for it!  Just as my blog’s tagline, only when I am willing to take a step would I discover, but taking that step often requires courage because it is normal to fear the unknown.  I wish for Health because without a healthy body and strength, I cannot continue to make dreams into reality or have the guts to plunge.  Most importantly, I wish God will continue to love me and bless me because without God’s guiding hands in my endeavours and to give me the ability to dream, to be courageous, and to maintain a healthy well-being, I would be lost, aimless, and without directions.

Similar to all beauty contestant candidates that ask for world peace for the new year, I truly wish for peace to all mankind because a chaotic world where people are second guessing and pitching against each other is a place filled with dread and misery.  The oldest cliché of asking for world peace is the most valuable wish of all.

Finally, a statement I truly live by everyday is “treat others as you wish to be treated”, if everyone can follow that, the world is a much better place.  Welcome 2011, I am ready for you and above is my wish list for the upcoming year; ces’t la vie!

I wish to conclude with the following video clip I saw on Tiny Island’s blog, I find it fitting as it asked “if my opinions are of significance, would my stories inspire, do I dare?”

Comments on: "Make a wish: 2011" (4)

  1. it’s cool that you found this little video inspiring too 🙂 Happy 2011

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