I am not afriad of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today~William Allen White

Posts tagged ‘stray cat’

Animal Cruelty

I cannot say i am an absolute animal lover but i respect all living things and feel absolutely outraged whenever i hear of animal abuse.  I feel so disgusted and pained to hear of the brutal death of a stray cat in hong kong. The way the cat was cruelly and brutally abused absolutely makes my stomach turned. Some psychotic person grabbed onto the tail of a stray cat and keep flinging him so hard until he smashed into the wall. it was so violent the tail of the cat was brutally ripped off. Still breathing the cat scampered into the back of a staircase and suffered massive pain before dying. I am redundant with my feeling of absolute digust and horror, it is so hard for me to comprehend how someone can inflict such pain and cruelty on another living breathing creature. This is not a lack of education but the need of a person’s dominance on another. Why do humans do such evil things? This is one question i can never get an answer to because I also can’t understand how soldiers can inflict such pain and cruelty to other human beings during war. It is so painul and so sad to know there is this evil seed inside each one of us…